Fish 50X: Applied Time Series Analysis in Fisheries and Environmental Sciences
Winter 2012
Fisheries Dept, University of Washington
Instructors: Eric Ward, Eli Holmes, Mark Scheuerell
Reviews current applications of univariate and multivariate time series models for biological and environmental data, emphasizing the estimation, inference, and forecasting aspects of time-series models. Explores effects of covariates and anthropogenic drivers for species that are exploited and/or of conservation concern. Recommended: FISH 552 or prior experience with R (e.g. FISH 560), QSCI 482 or basic statistics, and at least 1 course in population dynamics (FISH 454 or 458).
Winter 2012
Fisheries Dept, University of Washington
Instructors: Eric Ward, Eli Holmes, Mark Scheuerell
Reviews current applications of univariate and multivariate time series models for biological and environmental data, emphasizing the estimation, inference, and forecasting aspects of time-series models. Explores effects of covariates and anthropogenic drivers for species that are exploited and/or of conservation concern. Recommended: FISH 552 or prior experience with R (e.g. FISH 560), QSCI 482 or basic statistics, and at least 1 course in population dynamics (FISH 454 or 458).